Non-Linear Curve Fits
Frequently we have a table of values as a function of a single variable which may have measurement noise or other inaccuracies. These would be of the form
What we want to do then is to find the “m” parameters “λ” of some function f(x; λ) which is “non-linear” in the parameters and provides the best fit to the tabulated data.
Given some function, then at each data point we can write
for the “m” parameters
and where “” represents the uncertainty or measurement error as a consequence of an imperfect initial estimate of the parameters. We can then approximate the errors as a linear combination of corrections to our parameter set as
where which could be used to iteratively update the original set as
Writing out the entire matrix we get
or more concisely
But this is an over determined set of equations and not in form allowing for a unique determination of the parameter corrections, . So we multiply each side by the transpose of the matrix “A” which switches rows and columns as
So that
and for each element
And also by recalling
or finally
which allows for a unique solution for values.
The well known Gaussian distribution (also called the “Normal” distribution or Bell curve) has the general functional form
where the three parameters are given by
In this parameter set, A is area under the curve of G(x). The arithmetic average or mean is . And the last parameter σ is the standard distribution. These are further described in the Appendix: Gaussian Parameters.
We can write the derivatives of the Gaussian with respect to its three parameters as follows
The iterative corrections to the initial guess for the three parameters can be expressed in the equation
or in detail, this expands to the following
For the measurements of
then the individual matrix coefficients are
And defining
then the matrix elements are
We could solve the matrix equation using Gauss-Jordan but for only three parameters it is easier to write the solutions directly as
And this allows us to iteratively update the initial guesses for the parameters
For a random variable, X, perhaps with a Gaussian probability distribution, the results of “n” independent measurements can be represented as
The arithmetic average or mean of this series of “n” values is simply given by
and the variance (or square of the standard distribution) for a large number of “n” trials can be written
These equations are exact and work well for a small number of samples. But as the number of samples increase, it is easier to create a histogram.
Basically the data is grouped into a set of “m” bins where “yj” represents the number of values which lie within some small range, “Δx”, around a midpoint of “xj”. Each small range represents a separate bin and can be drawn as
As before the expression for the mean is
and the variance can be written as
As the number of discrete bins increases and the width “Δx” of each gets smaller, then the bins come to resemble a continuous curve as follows:
For a continuous curve the area under the Gaussian is given by
The mean value can then be written as
And the variance is given by
For a discrete set of data points
then if we first define
then the arithmetic average or mean value of the distribution is given by
and the variance or square of the standard deviation is given by
But since we are linear in A, we can write
then the total error associated with an initial guess for A is
and we can minimize A in a least squares sense by setting the derivative to zero