Climate Facts
As the extraordinary popular delusion of climate change becomes ever
more irrational, the wolf packs of the liberal elite smell blood. These ravenous
beasts see an opportunity to exploit public ignorance of science to gain
political power to enrich themselves.
But what the dishonest politicians and their lying lackeys in the
press fail to mention are the following twelve facts. Note the accompanying
articles for references and confirmations.
1. The average temperature of the earth is determined by our distance from the sun, by the amount of water vapor in the air, by the theoretically unpredictable vagaries of the weather, and by nothing else.
2. Earth’s climate is almost entirely regulated by a strong negative feedback associated with evaporation of water from the oceans and by the reflectivity of clouds, which typically cover 60% or more of the Earth’s surface at any one time.
3. To first approximation CO2 is not a greenhouse gas at all because, unlike water, it has no permanent dipole moment. Rather each water molecule has the effect of retaining about 10 times more heat than a molecule of CO2 and is up to 100 times more abundant. Methane which is a greenhouse gas is rarer still (present only in parts per billion) and has such a short lifetime before it decays in the air, that it is also irrelevant.
4. Long term average CO2 concentrations, cycling around an annual cycle of plant growth, are determined by the temperature of the oceans, and by nothing else. Any transient amount of excess CO2 in the air decays with a half-life of 4-6 years. Every pound of CO2 removed from the air eliminates twice that amount of food. This is because trace amounts of CO2 from the air make up about half of all plant matter on Earth. The other half is water and less than one part in twenty from nutrients in the ground. Human attempts to remove CO2 would take hundreds of thousands to millions of years to deplete the oceanic reservoir and would be profoundly immoral.
5. CO2 is not pollution because it is essential for life on earth but has been steadily decreasing over millions of years. If the liberal democrats did manage to remove all the CO2 from the air, they would kill every living thing on Earth. To compensate for lack of this essential nutrient, starving plants have been evolving from C3 to C4 and CAM species. Fortunately because of recently rising CO2, the amount of all plant life on Earth, especially to include crop yields grown for food, has increased 15-30%.
6. A slightly warming world causes the ocean’s to expand slightly but also causes more snow to fall over the interior of Greenland and Antarctica which acts to lower the sea level. Even alarmist exaggerations of current warming trends would still take tens of thousands of years to melt Greenland and Antarctica.
7. A warming world reduces the temperature difference between the upper atmosphere which warms faster and the surface reducing violent weather. Tornadoes and hurricanes are fewer in number and on average less violent as the world warms. Even the IPCC reluctantly admits to this fact.
8. The climate, like the weather, cannot be predicted by computer models because it is chaotic. In the data, we might see patterns, signs and wonders that indicate a likelihood of a certain trend. We might even discern cyclical patterns with an average frequency. But the climate is not predictable even in theory. Computer models are parameterized curve fitting polynomials divorced from the physics of the real world. The faults and biases of failing computer models do not average out if run more times. And to date, no computer model has been able to predict global temperatures even over two decades (e.g. the “hiatus”).
9. When we look carefully at the geological record, CO2 has a strong correlation with global temperatures. But then correlation is not causation. This is important to remember because CO2 is negatively correlated with global temperature; and at first glance more CO2 seems to cause global cooling not warming; and that undeniable and undisputed scientific fact is counter-intuitive. Basically, as the ocean warms much more slowly than the land, it outgases CO2 following global temperature increases due entirely to other effects with a lag of about 1000 years. As we would expect from the basic science, CO2 follows and does not drive global temperature.
10. “Green” alternatives to fossil fuels are manifestly and massively inadequate to our needs, more polluting than fossil fuels, and will always be so. This is because of the extremely diffuse energy content and inconsistency of sunlight, wind, waves, and whatnot.
11. Humanities mark on the world is negative, which because of habitat destruction, drives many species to extinction. Our ever increasing numbers, and not CO2, are the pollutant.
12. The liberal politicians needing to champion a cause to save the world and their accomplices in the liberal press out to sell scary newspaper headlines, are lying thieves (e.g. “hockey stick”, increasing not decreasing numbers of polar bears as world warms, melting glaciers in the Himalayas etc.). Liberal citizens, who are stupid enough to believe this nonsense, are like Vladimir Lenin’s “useful idiots”, doing great evil by starving to death literally millions of third-world children (because of poverty and reduced crop yields).
So how do you spell the word for scientific moronicity? The clear answer is d*e*m*o*c*r*a*t. Think we need more science education?